Lately, there's been a cat that has been walking by the house. It likes to walk along this tall wooden fence in the back, too. We have yet to convince it to stay away. I think it's because the lady next has a cat and she feeds the neighborhood strays.
So this is Pepper (left), Cullen (middle), and me (right) barking at that stupid cat.
You might be wondering about the fence. Since my human is just renting, she didn't want to invest in permanent fence, so we got a chicken-wire one instead. It's strong enough to keep us in, so she doesn't have to worry about us wandering off when she lets us out to go to the bathroom.
This other picture is me and Cullen riding in the car. He likes to stick his head out the window almost as much as I do. Doesn't my human have skills? She took this picture without even looking.
Pepper isn't sharing in our fun because he doesn't seem to like smelling out the window. My human will sometimes hold him in her lap and help him, but he pretty much just likes to sit in the back seat. Which I don't mind because when he's in her lap, I can't sit there, and I really like to ride the car sitting in her lap.