My human and I live in a small house that has a small backyard. And recently, another dog came to live with us. His name is Cullen and he is just a little bit smaller than me. We like to play together, fighting over toys or just running together. My human likes it when we play because "(I'm) learning how to be a normal dog." Although she sometimes keeps telling me to be quiet when we play. I guess I'm barking too much or something.
My human has started what she calls "fostering dogs" and that means that new dog friends come and spend the night for a while until they go to their "furever homes." My human thinks that term is cheesy, but that's what they call them -- those places that decide to adopt dogs that were like me -- without a home.
I am so glad that my human found me in the shelter! Since then, I have gotten to travel to lots of different places. I have gone hiking, camping, and even ridden on an airplane several times. She feeds me really good food and often shares a little bit of her leftovers when she eats.
Besides Cullen, we have another dog staying with us, Pepper. Pepper is a Schnoodle and is just a little bit bigger than me. He came from a really bad place, so he can get scared a lot. He has a really high bark that he uses whenever my human comes home from work. It's kind of annoying, because his barking makes my human ignore all of us until he stops.
Recently, all of us dogs were sick -- either with the runs or throwing up. Pepper had it the worst, having diarrhea a lot. We all ended up going to the doctor to get checked out and then we had to take medicine for a whole week! It was okay, though, because my human likes to wrap our pills in something yummy like cheese or sliced meat. We ate a bunch of rice, too, to help our tummies settle. Pepper having the runs helped him to forget about where we're supposed to go the bathroom, so my human has ended up gating all of us in the bedroom during the day. I mind this a little because I don't get to look out the window as much as a result of it.
Having Cullen and Pepper around is nice, even if they do sometimes step on me. I'm even getting used to Cullen lying next to me or on me. My human is excited because Pepper has just started to play with toys. Before he would just stand there. But now, he will try to steal the toy like Cullen does, or else chases it along with the rest of us... I just wish that he wouldn't run off to the bedroom when he's the one to get it. (He likes to stay on the bed practically all the time.)
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