Me, too, me, too! Our human likes to sing, and she has a good voice.
Right. Well, me and C' were watching TV--
--I was watching. You never seem to notice the TV.
It's just because there's hardly anything interesting on. That's why they call it the idiot box.
Yeah, idiot box!
But what I'm talking about is that performance that we were jammin' to yesterday.
Which one?
That guy on that show. They were seriously goin' at it.
Which guy?
You know, that song that went, "I'm na fawlin off. I'm na fawlin off."
Falling off?
Yeah! That guy with the long blond bob jammin' with the lead singer. And the really tall skinny guy with the ginger hair.
Oh! You mean when she was watching that clip from Conan's show.
No, not the movie with that guy from 'Stargate Atlantis.'
You mean Jason Momoa? I love him! He's really tough. Like you. I can't wait till I can see that one! I don't know why they don't let dogs in movie theatres.
Because when you get excited you bark.
You're doing it right now.
Well, at least I don't bark at butterflies.
It was being annoying, like that dumb cat that used to come walk on our lawn. I was telling it to get lost.
That was pretty cool when you got out and chased it off...
Yeah. After I cornered it, we had a discussion. I won't go into details, just remember that it stayed away after that.

What were we talking about?
I'll just tell the story! Mom was watching the video of Maroon 5 on Conan O'Brien's show. It was really cool. Their music is really smooth. And they know how to perform. I mean, I loved how they just looked like guys in a jam session in their garage.
Yeah. At least the lead singer doesn't look like he escaped from a concentration camp anymore. That guy was skinny the first time we watched him perform.
I'm telling the story now!
So they aren't wearing anything special. And they *jammed* to their music. All of them. With head bobs and the bounce! I love to bounce!!! Even the drummer and the guys on the keyboards. It was a beautiful thing!!!
You are weird. And stop pretending you're part of the band.
I can bounce-jam if I want to.
You just really look weird trying to play air guitar.

Yes! Until Jay Leno totally bombed at 9 pm! I never thought he was very funny, anyway.
Leno and the head honchos at NBC got rid of Conan? I thought our human has been watching his show.
Yes, but it's now on TBS.
Wow. That was stupid. He's really funny.
I know!!!
Oh, I found an article talking about Jay Leno bombing in Prime Time and then wanting to take back his Late Night timeslot. That was so shady!
I mean, he is not funnier than Conan! grrrrrrrr. yip!
Watch it, Cullen! You're getting excited again.
Here's a cool link I found with a guy gushing about Maroon 5. He likes them as much as me and Mom do!
She's not your mom. She's a human! She's our *human,* not our mom.
Potato, Po-tah-to. So she's human. She's still my mom.
Well, on that note, we're going to sign off... Later, dudes!
And here's that video Mom was watching on YouTube from when they were on 'Conan.' Enjoy!
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