Saturday, May 20, 2006

Boy, I've Been Busy!

Wow! I can't believe that it's been over a month since I found my human! Not only is she one of the best humans yet, but I have gotten to do so much since we've been together.

When she first got me, my fur was crazy.


But she took me to a lady who washed me -- even though my human is really good about washing me -- and then she trimmed all my fur. It was a little scary, even though they were nice, because I wasn't sure that my new human was coming back. Boy, was I happy when she came and got me!

Since I came home, I have learned to play with my friend, Brandy. She's a lot bigger than me, but my human says that she is the same age. She likes to play rough and tumble a lot.

It's Mine, All Mine!

Sometimes she barks at me, but most of the time, she comes up and play bites me to say that she wants to play. If I don't want to play, I run under the patio table and chairs or I run over to my human and she gets Brandy to stop.

/Me under the table/

Other times, we just sit and watch the neighbors. Sometimes a man down the street comes out and I bark at him to tell him not to come this way! He smells funny and I'm not sure I trust him.

I also play with the dog next door. His name is Storm and he is big! I think they said that he is a "Great Dane." We run up and down the fence together.

/Me and Storm playing/

When I first met him, he scared me, but I figured out that he just wants to play. Brandy doesn't run with us. But we have fun.

I have also learned to play football (soccer) with a big orange ball. I can't actually pick it up, like I can with the balls I play fetch with, but it bounces really well and I can roll it to make it stop or to run with it.

C'mon, Let's Play!

My human and I will play -- she will kick the ball and I will chance it and then stop it and wait for her to kick it again. Sometimes I run away with the ball and sometimes I bring it back to my human.

Not only have I gotten to play a lot, there have been some kids visiting.

We Love Riley

My human's neices and nephew have been here, and boy! are they loud!!! The smaller ones also like to squeeze my head and the smallest one -- the boy -- sometimes like to sit on me. So I like to hide downstairs where it is nice and quiet. Or else, I will play outside.

Sometimes, I get to go for walks with some of the kids. We have walked around the neighborhood. And we have also gotten to walk on this path by a lake! It is a big lake, too. Last week, we even got to go walk in the water! The small girl jumped and fell into a puddle and got all wet! My human wasn't very happy. She ended up using my towel to dry her off.

When I ride in the car -- and I get to go for lots of rides! -- my human has a towel that I can lay my head on. Sometimes I look out the window, or stick my head out the window, but most of the time, I like to sit next to my human. She has a perch on her right that is just the right size for me to sit on. Or else, I will share her seat and lay on her leg. She pets me a lot when I do this.

My human is much nicer than my old human! She feeds me leftovers -- oh, they are so good! -- and she even will feed me first! When she first started offering me food, I was scared to take it. My old human wasn't nice about letting me eat like a normal dog. So I learned to carefully, softly, slowly touch the food with my teeth and then let it drop the moment the human let go. I think my human wants me to change this, because sometimes she tells me to "getit" and teases me with it. Since we play "tug-war" with toys, I think she wants me play like that, too. So I am starting to go after the food and bones that she offers me.

Boy! the bones! They are so good. Sometimes, I find one sitting on the place where the human puts her clothes, but most of the time, they are in a jar on her dresser. She jingled the lid a couple of times, so that I could figure out what it sounded like when she opened it.

/Me waiting for a bone/

I get bones when I am good -- like when I figure out and do what she asks me to do, or when I am good about getting my fur brushed or my nails trimmed. I love the bones. They are chewy and hard and good to eat! I even got to eat/chew a big one!

And we have bones in the yard that we can chew. They're not made of the same stuff -- more like what Brandy's bowl is made out of. And sometimes when Brandy is chewing on a bone, I steal it so that we will play.

And my human gets food that she wants to share -- like ham or steak or hamburger -- she even will feed me before Sable. When she first started sharing treats, I was scared that everything would be the same as before. So I wouldn't even look at the food, especially if Sable was there. And even when it seemed like she wanted to give it to me, I would just sit far away and look at it. But I have started to take the food and when I do, she tells me that I am a good boy. Sometimes I still worry that she will change her mind and I will get in trouble like I used to, but I haven't so far.

I think that I can trust her. I sleep next to her, now. At first I would sleep most of the time on the floor. But now, I sleep next to her. I even have my own pillow. Or I will just sit next to her. She pets me and it feels really nice.

I've only gotten in trouble for digging in the yard. And all I am doing in digging in these bare spots where there are interesting smells! But my human doesn't like that. And she puts me in this dark place where the cars are. I have to sit in there for what seems like forever! It has only been a couple of times, but sometimes I forget.

But I have never gotten in trouble for going the bathroom in the house. Twice, I got in trouble for Sable going in the house, but all that happened was my human told me no and showed me that she wasn't happy. She didn't hit me or anything! And the couple times that I accidentally threw up in the car, I didn't get in trouble at all. I was really scared that she would yell or hit, but she pet me and smiled at me.

She is good about smiling at me. I am still afraid to look her in the eyes sometimes, but sometimes, I look and she smiles back. And when I wake up at night and look to see where she is, she smiles at me.

So my life is pretty good. And today, I got to go for a walk at this place called "The Plaza."

Ain't We Got Fun?

I did a good job of walking by her, but sometimes we had to walk over thes scary metal things. It looked like a big hole that I would fall through. And she made me walk over them more than once! By the end of our walk, I was mostly not scared, and I didn't try to not walk over it anymore. But it was still uncomfortable. But it was fun! And I think that we are going to do it again tomorrow.

I also have a bunch of new friends and this place called a "dog park." Most of them are big, and I am not sure whether they are nice, but some of them are fun to run with. The dog park is fun -- there are lots of things to smell and lots of water, and I get to look around without a leash on! It is fun.

I am not sure what I am doing tomorrow, but I know that it will be a good day.

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