Friday, August 05, 2011

Ch-ch-ch-changes. Including the Introduction of Dudley

My Boys - 009/365

My human has finally let me use her computer again. As you can see, the last time I was able to blog was back in 2009. A lot has happened since then.

First, my human spent 4 months in Brussels, Belgium. So I spent 4 months with my human's parents in Kansas City. Which made things not so bad. I got to hang out with Brandy and Sandy and Mojo and the queen of the house, Miss Sassy herself, Sable. She likes to bark at us when we're playing. Normally when my human travels someplace, I feel kinda down the entire time she's gone. But her parents are really nice and help remind me of my human. And I used to live at their house, so it's like it's my house anyway. The only thing that would have made things better is if my brothers were with me.

Yeah! It would have been much better if we were there!

Now, you haven't met my brothers. My human calls us 'the boys,' because we're all boys, all three of us.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Cullen came to stay with us.
I did, I did, I did!
He is pretty much the only dog I like playing with, because he doesn't bite too hard and he makes me do it.
Yes, you are an old stick-in-the-mud.

Hey! I'm not gonna let you blog with me if you call me names.

But you can be a stick-in-the-mud! Our human calls you 'hall monitor' when you bark at the dogs at the dog park.

Well, they're being too rowdy. They might step on someone, like me, for instance. And just because our human calls me something, doesn't mean you get to.

Does too.
Does not!
Does too.
Does not!
Does too.
Does not! I'm not going to let you blog!

Fine. You're not a stick-in-the-mud. You're a fuddy duddy.

Okay, that's better. Where was I?

You were talking about me. Telling them about me and Dudley.

Oh, right! Yeah, so Cullen came to live with us. Pepper was really cool, and even though my human really loved the goofy guy, she didn't want to be a single woman with three dogs, so she decided to let someone adopt him, rather than doing it herself. So, he went to live with a nice old lady who loves him to death. He's pretty happy there.

It was just me and Cullen. For about 6 months. My human fostered several different dogs, most of them from puppy mills. Asia was a miniature pincher who peed on our human's bed at one point! That was gross. She got adopted by a woman who lives in Indiana. There was this other Yorkie who was really yappy and who attacked and destroyed the blinds; he went and lived with a guy somewhere in the country.

And then along came Dudley.


Dudley's a Silky, like me.
Our human thinks he might have some Yorkshire terrier in him, too.
Yeah, yeah. So his snout is shorter and his legs are longer. He *looks* like me. I mean, people always think that we're from the same litter. And our human has sometimes thought he was me, especially when he first came to stay with us.

Dudley is a goof ball. And I thought you were goofy.
I am. Our human says so! In fact, she calls both of us 'doofy,' whatever that means.
It's a combination of goofy and doofus.
Oh. What's a doofus?
I don't know.

So, Dudley is a goof ball. He really is. He's a rescue from a hoarder, which meant that when he first came to live with us, he *smelled.*
A lot. And that's dogs saying that. It was crazy. The people he lived with didn't seem to ever have bathed him, and with how long it took to comb out his fur, I don't think they ever brushed him either!

They didn't. It took our human over 3 and 1/2 hours to brush out all the matts and then she ended up cutting off pretty much most all of the fur on his legs because they were too tangled. Man! It was crazy. Duds couldn't get petted anywhere because it hurt.

Wow. I forgot that part. You'd never know it with the way he likes to get brushed now. He would get brushed for forever!

You keep interrupting.
Sorry. I just like helping you tell stories!
I know. You're my brother, so it's okay. Just let me finish, okay?
Well, what are you waiting for?

So Dudley came to live with us. And he was a little weird.
He still is, a little weird, I mean. He still doesn't like sharp noises and he won't ever play ball with us.
I know. But I don't think he ever really learned how to play.

So, like Cullen said, he didn't like sharp noises. He used to get up and leave the room whenever people would eat because of that noise that a fork makes when it hits the plate.

Which is totally crazy because Dudley likes to eat! I mean, he'll eat lettuce. And who eats lettuce?


He still doesn't really ever play, although lately he seems to be getting more the hang of it. Our human's niece bought this toy panda at the thrift store and Dudley *loves* that thing. It makes noises and Dudley will sit and chew on it like it's a rawhide bone. He even plays tug of war with it.
So our human bought a replacement toy so that Dudley could have that one. She says it makes her happy that he plays with it 'like a normal dog.'
Yeah. She likes it when we aren't afraid of things and just act like dogs.

That's why she's my favorite person to cuddle with.
And you are a cuddler, that's for sure.
I am, I am!
Why do you like that, anyway? I can understand sitting next to people, but you like to be in people's laps all the time!
That way they'll pet me!
I'll take sitting next to them.

So Dudley came to stay with us. And he drank water ALL THE TIME. And he had to go outside ALL THE TIME.
It was like every hour!

Our human took him to the vet and they tested for this thing called a urinary tract infection. It came back negative. And because he was 10, they just thought that maybe it was because he's getting old.
Nobody drinks that much water just because.
I know!

So, for a while, nobody was interested in Dudley, even though he's "really cute." And then there was this girl who really liked him, but wasn't interested after she heard he had to go outside to potty every hour.

Finally, after a long time, there was a lady who was interested in maybe adopting him. Our human had gotten so used to him being around that the thought of him leaving made her want to cry.
So that's how Dudley ended up being our brother!
Yeah, what he said.

Duds is pretty cool. Except sometimes he gets annoying when we go to the dog park.
Because of the humping?


Why does he do that, anyway?
I don't know. Our human thinks that it's his way of trying to play with me, since he's only ever done it to me and this little dachshund he really liked. Most of the humans laugh when they see it, but it's annoying. And not just to me.
Our human has even thought about investing in a shock collar to get him to stop!
She hasn't because she doesn't believe in hurting dogs.
It would get the message across, that's for sure.
Yeah, but Duds is cool. And he can be sensitive.
Yeah... We've got a pretty good human, don't we?
Yeah. She's nice about being nice to us when we get scared.
I'm not afraid of anything!
Okay, Mr. Quakes-Like-A-Leaf. And Mr. Submissive-Pee-er.
At least I don't mark in the house.
That's only to help me feel like it's my house! And to keep the bad things out. I don't do it that much. I haven't done it in a long time!
Remember that time you did it in the middle of Sophie's living room?
It's only because Duke wouldn't leave me alone after I asked him to for over thirty minutes-- Hey! You weren't even there!
But I heard about it!
You heard about it?!! On that note, I think we will sign off until next time.

Oh! I meant to finish the part about Dudley pottying. Our human thought he might have Cushing's Disease but adopted him anyway, and when they were doing the test to see, our dog doctor discovered how smelly Duds's potty was. So, he gave him a prescription and that cured up all the drinking and peeing. He's gotten 2 infections since then, probably because he had the first one so long.
And Dudley snores.
Yes, he snores. And breathes loudly most of the time.

Until next time, this is Riley and Cullen! signing off.

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